Employers Resource

401(k) Benefits Retained After Layoff


This individual worked for a regional health insurance provider, located in the northwest.

The Challenge

In 2008, Susan’s company was going through a downsizing effort, and she unexpectedly received a layoff notice. “When I got laid off, I was really stressed out about losing my 401(k) too. I figured I’d have to find someone fast to help me reinvest the money I’d put away over the years, or lose it. Not knowing what to do, I called Employers Resource.”

The Solution

Employers Resource 401(k) specialists sat down and discussed options with Susan, explaining that it was not necessary for her to make any changes whatsoever to her account. Due to the exceptional return historically received from her investment options, Susan chose to leave things just the way they were.

The Benefit

By removing a huge worry from one of our co-employees, we allowed Susan to concentrate all of her efforts in finding a new job. “What a load off my mind! It was really great having Employers Resource walk me through the process and take care of me during a very stressful time in my life. My nest egg was safe and secure.”

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